A Blogger's secret tool

Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 by Abhishek Krishnan in

Do you write blogs? Then, if you haven’t already checked out Blog Copy, you definitely need to check it out. You might have taken hours to write an article on your blog, but there are people out there who just copy a part or the full article on to their blog just for traffic inflow. So, what blogcopy does is, it helps you to monitor and know what their visitors exactly copied from their blog.


Create an app for the iphone now!

Posted: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 by Abhishek Krishnan in

Most of you might have heard of the "iFart" app for the iPhone. It might sound like a stupid app at the sound of it, but did you know that it turned into a $54,657 profit in just 30 days. Come to think of it, it isn't really hard to make a fortune with iPhone apps, all you probably need to know is to turn on a computer!
You might be wondering how you can build an app without any programming experience? Well, you definitely need to check this out in order for you convert your ideas into reality -  Click Here!